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Showing posts from October, 2009

Photo Essays: " Pictures say more that a thousand words."

 I have posted these photos and essays to illustrate  my previous posts.  Often "a picture will say it all." By clicking on the link: slide show...   you will be redirected to the Foreign Policy web page. Thank you. Children at Work While many children are now enjoying summer holidays from school, others are toiling away in sweatshops. Amid the Great Recession, more parents may pull their children out of school and put them to work to supplement the family income. Slides Show: Children at Work   The Battle over Israel's Settlements  As Washington gears up for a showdown over Israel's settlements, settlers are taking matters into their own hands.   Slide Show: The Battle over Israel's Settlements   The Land of No Smile R enowned documentary photographer Tomas van Houtryve entered North Korea by posing as a businessman looking to open a chocolate factory. Despite 24-hour surveillance by North Korean minders,...

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Joseph Stalin

"In the arts of life, man invents nothing; but in the arts of death, he outdoes Nature herself, and produces by chemistry and machinery all the slaughter of plague, pestilence, and famine." George Bernard Shaw " Rachel Corrie, American killed by an Israeli army bulldozer, Tom Handel; British shot to the head by an Israeli sniper, James Miller; British shot by the Israeli army. If foreigners are dying like this in Gaza, what happens to the one million Palestinians who live there."  This is how the documentary "Investigation" by Journeyman begins. This documentary is filmed by a British crew for over 40 days. They lived and filmed daily events you will not see in leading stream media. Palestinian civil casualty is a fact deliberately omitted from the U.S. news. The Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are under siege by the Israeli Army. The Jewish People were victimized during WWII by the Nazi Germans, and since 1948, Israel has been crush...

The European Union's and Lisbon treaty. The Next great Global Powers might be The E.U.

  The European Union's hopes of more significant global clout centered on Ireland on Friday as voting started in a referendum to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. A year ago, Irish voters rejected the treaty, a watered-down version of the constitution that French and Dutch voters vetoed in 2005. The treaty gives the bloc more decisive leadership, effective foreign policy, and a fairer decision-making system. Follow the link for a clear map of the E.U. 27 Countries Here are some of the main points of the 250-page treaty. * INSTITUTIONS : E.U. leaders will choose a president of the European Council for a renewable 2-1/2 year term to strengthen the system of rotating presidencies. -- A powerful new foreign policy chief, at the head of an E.U. foreign service, will give the bloc a more significant say on the world stage. The High Representative will answer to E.U. governments, vice-president of the European Commission, and man...