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Showing posts with the label racism

Eugenic Movement, An hiding American Genocide Story.

Introduction. It is during a documentary called "Maafa 21" that I first heard the word "EUGENICS MOVEMENT" distressed with the allegations this documentary was making I decided to do my own independent research and look for supporting or contradicting facts. & The United States, let the Armenian Genocide, let the Holocaust, the Sudan, Rwanda, Bosnia, Shri laka... genocides happened. Why would our government stand against something its clearly has created and still promote. Fact uncovered that behind a propaganda of welfare and minority support promotion and implementation of it own genocide. The Negroes. I uncovered mind boggling, extraordinary footage, files, name of participants I would have never suspected to be part of such an incredible agenda. These events and facts should be taught to our children 's curriculum along the Holocaust, WWI and II, Armenian genocide of 1914, because they are part of the fabric of our nation's history but the only d...