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Showing posts with the label Propaganda

What do you know about Islam?

Yesterday six million of Jewish, Tomorrow ... millions of Muslims were. Throughout history, targeted propaganda by politicians and leaders has been used to manipulate the masses to vilify and demonize a segment of the population.  Today with the help of global technology, propaganda is spearheading a hidden agenda. Vilifying Islam and its people, demonizing it to justify genocide. In the United States, the general populations are media and technology junkies; views are like lobotomized, robotized souls brainwashed to behave and think as we are told and should fit in.  Our free will is just an illusion. Can you be part of this society without a credit card? A credit score? ... Why are we so easily sawed to condemn an entire Religion because of the action of a few fanatics, Nationalists, and extremist Muslims?  are the Crusade, the inquisition, and the KKK a representation of Christianity? Educate yourself; yesterday, it was six million of Jewish, is tomorrow ... millions ...