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Showing posts with the label Capitalism

Capitalism in America

  The Illusion of the American Dream: Capitalism's Exclusion of the Masses The American Dream has long been the beacon of hope, symbolizing the promise of upward mobility and prosperity for all. However, the reality of contemporary capitalism unveils a stark contrast, where the fundamental tenets of the dream seem elusive for the masses, merely an illusion perpetuated by the privileged few.   A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883 : Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Capitalism, at its core, embodies an economic structure that favors the accumulation of wealth and power by a select group, perpetuating a cycle of disparity that leaves the majority struggling at the periphery. Within this system, the means of production and distribution fall under the control of ...

Guantanamo - Guidebook.

How can we ever be the leader of the civilized world when our government acts like the government we sanction for their Human Right Violation. British Channel 4 engaged the Team Delta Cadre to recreate the Guantanamo Bay interrogation experience. At the production company’s request, along with Team Delta’s standard interrogation approach, the cadre reenacted several events reported at Guantanamo. In most cases, these reenacted events were counterproductive to the interrogation plan developed by Team Delta. This plan had learned 80% of the requested intelligence within the first few hours of capture. Prisoner 73 on his experience: Total deprivation of sleep, food and water. Exposure to extreme heat and cold. Up to 20 minutes in stress positions. Up to 2 hours listening to white noise… Plus, any other interrogation technique deemed acceptable by the interrogation team’ By any standards, the waiver I signed for “Guantanamo Guidebook” was unique. Two weeks later, when I was lying naked...

The European Union's and Lisbon treaty. The Next great Global Powers might be The E.U.

  The European Union's hopes of more significant global clout centered on Ireland on Friday as voting started in a referendum to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. A year ago, Irish voters rejected the treaty, a watered-down version of the constitution that French and Dutch voters vetoed in 2005. The treaty gives the bloc more decisive leadership, effective foreign policy, and a fairer decision-making system. Follow the link for a clear map of the E.U. 27 Countries Here are some of the main points of the 250-page treaty. * INSTITUTIONS : E.U. leaders will choose a president of the European Council for a renewable 2-1/2 year term to strengthen the system of rotating presidencies. -- A powerful new foreign policy chief, at the head of an E.U. foreign service, will give the bloc a more significant say on the world stage. The High Representative will answer to E.U. governments, vice-president of the European Commission, and man...