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The world's most Failed States. " Somalia" Powered by For the last half-decade, the Fund for Peace, working with Foreign Policy, has been putting together the Failed States Index , using a battery of indicators to determine how stable -- or unstable -- a country is. But as the photos demonstrate, sometimes the best test is the simplest: You'll only know a failed state when you see it. 1. SOMALIA FSI score: 114.3 (out of 120) Somalia has topped the Failed States Index for the last three years -- a testament to the depth of the country's long-running political and humanitarian disaster and, as James Traub writes , to the international community's inability to find an answer. After two decades of chaos , the country is mainly under the control of Islamist militant groups, the most notorious and powerful of which is al-Shabab. A second faction, Hizbul Islam, rivals the former in brutality -- it recently executed two Somalis for the crime o...