Definition: Merriam-Webster.
Illness from a virus occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population:
A condition of being able to resist a particular disease.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)
The Virology study has estimated that one and a half million dormant virus exists in wildlife.
Coronavirus is the latest virus outbreak from the influenza family; the official name is SARS Covid-2.
Viruses cannot survive without a host. COVID-19 is an airborne virus; it transfers to humans through the eyes, nose, and mouth; the virus locks itself to a cell and begins multiplying in silence; it is the incubation period.
There are seven coronaviruses; 4 of them are more commune, like the commune cold and the flu.
The other three are more infectious and deadliest, like SARS, MERS, and COVID.
Where is Covid 19 Originated?
Source youtube.
Human behavior has facilitated dormant viruses in the world to find a host by disrupting their habitats; deforestation forced wildlife to look for food closer to populated areas; factory animals farmings pushed animals closer together, infecting each other; fish farming breeds thousands of fish in small ponds in unhealthy conditions..., our global world makes it easy and fast for diseases to spread. What used to take months to reach the different corners of our globe now takes only hours. Covid 19 is one of that viruses, unaffected by antibiotics.
During the 1918 Pandemic, millions died until the virus did not find a host without immunity.
The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is no universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919
It is estimated that about 500 million people, or one-third of the world’s population, became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide, with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.
Before antibiotic was discovered in 1928, British scientist Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first working agent that demonstrated potent antibacterial properties; in 1928, epidemics and pandemics died out when enough people were immune, and the virus could not spread any longer the phenomena called Herd Immunity, but waiting for the herd immunity to eradicate is not the solution, like during the plague where 60% of Europe's population died.
A vaccine is another way to fight pandemics, but twelve to eighteen months is necessary to create a vaccine. By then, thousands to millions of infected individuals could die; the only solution? Isolates the infected from the general population.
South Korea, to fight Covid-19, immediately closed its borders and implemented in early April general testing tracing the virus back to the originated host and ordered quarantines; their immediate action has stopped the virus from spreading into the population exponentially.
In 2005, the world health Organization (WHO) had foreseen the next Pandemic and wrote a blueprint to be prepared for it; 47 countries signed the prevention of pandemics, but something still needs to be put in place for possible outbreaks. During Covid 19, hospitals did not have enough beds, masks, and gloves ... to face the number of infected.
We know now that the virus passed from fish to humans, The fish market in Wuhan, China, is the epicenter. Dr. Li Wenliang of Wuhan Central Hospital was one of the first doctors who realized that this virus which had the same symptoms as the SARS virus, tried to alert their medical colleagues of the seriousness of what he was witnessing.
He created a chat group for Covid 19, but he immediately threatened to stop communication and shut down the chat room, or he would be accused of spreading panic by the Chinese government. The effects on china's economy, the largest exporter of goods worldwide, were imperiled.
In January 2020, Dr. Li contracted the virus and died. Ultimately, he blamed the Chine Government's inaction for the Pandemic.
Weeks after his death, the Chinese government could no longer keep the epidemic quiet as 149,000 Chinese were infected.
If China and the world had implemented its contamination measures only one week earlier, the number of infected would have been 95% lesser. China locked down its border in February, four-month after the outbreak, and Italy became the next epicenter of the virus; by the time Italy locked down its borders in March, thousands of citizens were infected and dying then the USA became the next epicenter.
The world was slow to take action prioritizing its economy's health over human lives, leaving its population to bear the brunt of its inactions.
This Pandemic could have been prevented with quick action and world support. We will overcome this Pandemic, and a vaccine will be found. Unfortunately, it will be too late for the thousands who died and will die.
While we wait for a vaccine, we can take some precautionary measures to avoid infection.
What do you think could have prevented this Pandemic? Share your opinion.
Illness from a virus occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population:
A condition of being able to resist a particular disease.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)
The Virology study has estimated that one and a half million dormant virus exists in wildlife.
Coronavirus is the latest virus outbreak from the influenza family; the official name is SARS Covid-2.
Viruses cannot survive without a host. COVID-19 is an airborne virus; it transfers to humans through the eyes, nose, and mouth; the virus locks itself to a cell and begins multiplying in silence; it is the incubation period.
There are seven coronaviruses; 4 of them are more commune, like the commune cold and the flu.
The other three are more infectious and deadliest, like SARS, MERS, and COVID.
Where is Covid 19 Originated?
Source youtube.
During the 1918 Pandemic, millions died until the virus did not find a host without immunity.
The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is no universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919
It is estimated that about 500 million people, or one-third of the world’s population, became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide, with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.
Before antibiotic was discovered in 1928, British scientist Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first working agent that demonstrated potent antibacterial properties; in 1928, epidemics and pandemics died out when enough people were immune, and the virus could not spread any longer the phenomena called Herd Immunity, but waiting for the herd immunity to eradicate is not the solution, like during the plague where 60% of Europe's population died.
A vaccine is another way to fight pandemics, but twelve to eighteen months is necessary to create a vaccine. By then, thousands to millions of infected individuals could die; the only solution? Isolates the infected from the general population.
South Korea, to fight Covid-19, immediately closed its borders and implemented in early April general testing tracing the virus back to the originated host and ordered quarantines; their immediate action has stopped the virus from spreading into the population exponentially.
In 2005, the world health Organization (WHO) had foreseen the next Pandemic and wrote a blueprint to be prepared for it; 47 countries signed the prevention of pandemics, but something still needs to be put in place for possible outbreaks. During Covid 19, hospitals did not have enough beds, masks, and gloves ... to face the number of infected.
He created a chat group for Covid 19, but he immediately threatened to stop communication and shut down the chat room, or he would be accused of spreading panic by the Chinese government. The effects on china's economy, the largest exporter of goods worldwide, were imperiled.
In January 2020, Dr. Li contracted the virus and died. Ultimately, he blamed the Chine Government's inaction for the Pandemic.
If China and the world had implemented its contamination measures only one week earlier, the number of infected would have been 95% lesser. China locked down its border in February, four-month after the outbreak, and Italy became the next epicenter of the virus; by the time Italy locked down its borders in March, thousands of citizens were infected and dying then the USA became the next epicenter.
The world was slow to take action prioritizing its economy's health over human lives, leaving its population to bear the brunt of its inactions.
This Pandemic could have been prevented with quick action and world support. We will overcome this Pandemic, and a vaccine will be found. Unfortunately, it will be too late for the thousands who died and will die.
While we wait for a vaccine, we can take some precautionary measures to avoid infection.
What do you think could have prevented this Pandemic? Share your opinion.