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Guantanamo - Guidebook.

How can we ever be the leader of the civilized world when our government acts like the government we sanction for their Human Right Violation.
British Channel 4 engaged the Team Delta Cadre to recreate the Guantanamo Bay interrogation experience.
At the production company’s request, along with Team Delta’s standard interrogation approach, the cadre reenacted several events reported at Guantanamo.

In most cases, these reenacted events were counterproductive to the interrogation plan developed by Team Delta. This plan had learned 80% of the requested intelligence within the first few hours of capture.
Prisoner 73 on his experience:
Total deprivation of sleep, food and water.
Exposure to extreme heat and cold.
Up to 20 minutes in stress positions.
Up to 2 hours listening to white noise…
Plus, any other interrogation technique deemed acceptable by the interrogation team’ By any standards, the waiver I signed for “Guantanamo Guidebook” was unique. Two weeks later, when I was lying naked, shaved, shackled in a ball on the floor, with a hood over my head, listening to white noise with a cold fan at my back, I realized just how simple the term was ‘informed consent’ can be.
"Two weeks earlier I had received an e-mail looking for students who would be willing to participate in a Channel Four documentary investigating US interrogation practices for Terror detainees held in Cuba.
I was to be one of seven male volunteers from various backgrounds – three Muslims: a father of two, a youth worker, and a recent graduate; plus Britain’s fittest Fireman, a triathlete, Britain’s Thai Kickboxing Champion and me, a plucky Oxford undergraduate finalist in philosophy and politics.
The test was to see how we fared in a simulation of up to 60 hours under a team of retired US army interrogators, led by a founding member of Delta Force, who used the techniques officially sanctioned for Guantanamo detainees to extract information about us and make us confess to the scenarios we had acted out with the production company the week before. We were to withhold information and endure."
Watch the full documentary now (playlist). Alternative link at Google.
Warning-Might is graphic: Human torture experiment on the voluntary citizen.
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