What is a Superpower?
Alice Lyman Miller (Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School) defines a superpower as:
The superpower was first applied in 1944 to the United States, the Soviet Union, and the British Empire. After WWII, the United States stayed the only country with its industrial infrastructures intact and the atomic bomb.
President Truman said:
The United States control of political, economic, and military strengths is paramount in the interest of multinational corporations, so much so that democratically elected governments were overthrown to guarantee such control: control over world resources, management in access to raw materials, control over markets and labor powers in the third world. For example:
Jacobo Arbenz, the democratically elected president of Guatemala, was overthrown in early 1950 with the help of the CIA when United Fruit Company was in danger of losing its concessions in the region.
Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. CIA Operative Masterminded Operation Ajax; in 1953, the democratically elected Prime Minister in the Democratic country of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, was overthrown again with the help of the CIA when he dared nationalize Iran's oil. He was replaced by the Shah, a puppet Prime Minister. His first act was to denationalize the oil and offer 60% of its production for sale to American firms.
Noam Chomsky, PH.D. ProfessorEmeritus Linguistics, MIT and author, said:
Bill Blum, American Author, and Historian said:
In their address in 1983, President Regan said:
Until Desert Storm and Desert Shield, the United States had not been in declared war after WWII, yet its military forces were engaged somewhere around the world at one time or another. Euphemisms such as armed response, peacekeeping, police action, and military policing were used. The United States officially has 737 military bases worldwide. This number doesn't include the 14 permanent bases in Iraq, one Kosovo and Bosnia, in Afghanistan, and the covert ones such as British military bases, including the naval base on the isles of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
President Eisenhower is the first to use the term Military Industrial Complex. Over the years, the Pentagon has outsourced its military functions to private contractors. These contractors have secured very lucrative contracts: ( Eric Prince, CEO of Blackwater), contracts for weapons, assurances of security, and mercenaries.
During the Iraq war, over 100,000 civilians, contractors, and 20,000 private security forces profited from the war in Iraq, just to name a few. We have spent 22 billion dollars on the "Reconstruction Relieve Funds," 63% went to U.S. Multinational Companies, and the rest went to Iraqi Companies purchased from U.S. Companies; 2.3 billion went to only one company, Bektell, a subsidiary of Halliburton. These companies are known as War Corporatism; they are now accountable for their actions as the military would.
During the war between Iran and Iraq, we funded Iraq and encouraged Saddam Husein to invade Iran. We were involved in Pakistan and Afghanistan, giving life to the Taliban. We supported UNITA's "popular front of Angola," which fought the legitimately elected government because we perceived it to be Marxist, the same in Namibia. The collateral damages on the civilian population caught in this Cold War proxy war were never considered.
Let's look at Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to judge US foreign policy. Osama Bin Laden is a direct product of our government's proxy war with the Soviet Union. Then again, our government's sanction against Iraq was the fallout of the U.S. foreign policy once Saddam stopped being the United States puppet President. And decided to invade Saudi Arabia. As long as Iraq was under sanction, Saudis were the primary oil suppliers, and the barrel price went sky high. The collateral damages on the infrastructure and the economic restrictions on the civilian population were extreme; half a million children died.
The main interest behind Desert Shield was to protect the oil. If oil was to be paid in euros rather than dollars, like Iraq and Iran wanted, the U.S. government would collapse and be bankrupt in weeks.
Valarie Plame Wilson, CEO of the CIA joint Task Force Iraq, said:
Words like extraordinary rendition were used to soften the reality of our government's unconstitutional and human rights violations.
"Extraordinary rendition" is a euphemism for unconstitutional detention and interrogation, secretly flying kidnapped individuals to Jordan or Egypt to torture and circumvent our laws. If terrorism is defined as terror, the U.S. government can be called a terrorist state. Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib came to the world's attention with pictures of U.S. soldiers' torture and abuse of prisoners. These actions were evidence of the violation of our constitution, violation of civil human rights, violation of the Geneva convention and all international laws against torture, abduction, denies of legal council...
"False Flag" is a strategy for blaming an attack on a third party. 9/11 is suspected to be such a False Flag to justify the invasion of Iraq.
It used to be that countries were considered superpowers; now, the real superpowers are Transnational Corporations. The one that controls the market controls the world.
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. We need the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller.
In 2006 a group of neoconservatives in government would underline what they would like America's role in the future to dominate the rest of the world economically, militarily, and culturally.
The "Project for American Century Rebuilding America's Defenses" book. (click on the link for the complete report) was drawn as a blueprint for the new world order, which underlines "...some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor."
The 9/11 disaster put such fear in America that we gave the government liberties we would otherwise never have given them. We allowed our government to take up action that we would never have authorized; the preemptive strike against Iraq and the retaliatory strike against Afghanistan. ( Osama Bin Laden died on December 18, 2001, in the battle of Tora Bora.)
The majority of Americans accepted what mainstream media reported, not knowing that the information provided was directly supplied by government officials. Anything of the contrary was labeled unpatriotic and un-supportive of our troops. Now we know it was all lies.
DH Griffin Wrecking Company was contracted for all demolition in operation for the world trade sight following the 9/11 disaster; they refused all interviews to answer questions on the cleanup, such as why steel was removed before any forensic testing was made? Or if any detonation was found in the wreckage.
30% of the population believes that Bush's administration was responsible for the 9/11 disaster; how then can we explain that we suspect our government to be a cold-blooded mass murderer and accept it because we think we can not do anything about it.
There is a deep belief in the nobility of the State. We are brain-washed to believe that we as Americans are so good we cannot do wrong; there is even a name for it "American Exceptionalism" and "Disneyfication" because no matter how bad America's foreign and domestic policies are, no matter what the facts are. Even if we do more damage than good, Americans believe the intent was good and honorable. Today with the internet and new technology, the government can no longer manage the flow of information. People can do the right thing when accurate and unaltered information is available to the public. During the Vietnam War, the news and pictures were critical in raising outrage and leading to mass anti-war demonstrations.
Fascism is a totalitarian political ideology that considers individual and other societies' needs to be subordinate to the condition of the State. Without checks and balances to the powers given to the federal government, we could see the abolition of American civil liberties.
The United States has implemented a system of dominance of inequality and violence against any country that stands up to it. We could be repeating the history of the Roman Republic, whose military powers became too big to control. The Roman Republic became a military dictatorship.
Since 9/11, we have seen increased restrictions on our civil liberties, and our envied democracy is increasingly looking like a Police State. Isn't it contradictory to claim that a country has a democratic domestic policy and its foreign policy is but imperialistic?
The Patriot act is a 350-page proposition presented to the house floor only days after the 9/11 tragedy occurred; there is no way such a large piece of legislation was put together in such a short time. More copies had been printed, but the house members were rushed to vote on it without the opportunity to read and understand its content. Without serious debate on the floor, only fear that their inaction would be responsible for another 9/11, the act was voted to pass. We know that "The Patriot Act" violates several of our constitutions, such as the 1st and 4th Amendments.
The bill of rights and the constitution are in danger of disintegration. Our government is engaged in radical imperialism in our name. This benefits only a few people, while most lose everything our forefathers have died for.
Why is it that Bush and Cheney weren't impeached? Why are our soldiers dying if all the information is proven to be lies? Why aren't we asking for all the private contractors who profited illegally from the war in Iraq to be accountable for their actions? Why aren't we outraged? Are we all lobotomized by "reality, gossip, T.V., and media"?
We, the people have the real power; our actions changed the course of history. Our inaction has allowed genocide, racism, abuse of power, dictatorship, and perpetual fear that only encourages more silence. Education is critical; your congressman's right to the president is to understand our Rights and the Constitution. There is a Gandhi and a Martin Luther King in all of us.
Alice Lyman Miller (Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School) defines a superpower as:
"a country that has the capacity to project dominating power and influence anywhere in the world, and sometimes, in more than one region of the globe at a time, and so may plausibly attain the status of global hegemon."
The superpower was first applied in 1944 to the United States, the Soviet Union, and the British Empire. After WWII, the United States stayed the only country with its industrial infrastructures intact and the atomic bomb.
President Truman said:
"the only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."The United States has influenced and intervened in other governments unprecedentedly throughout history. The 1947 National Security Act fundamentally changed and reorganized The United States Military establishment, The National Security Council; it was also used as a pretext for Extra-Constitutional Powers in the name of National Security. The National Security Act has also been the base for creating the CIA as an Intelligence Gathering Agency.
The United States control of political, economic, and military strengths is paramount in the interest of multinational corporations, so much so that democratically elected governments were overthrown to guarantee such control: control over world resources, management in access to raw materials, control over markets and labor powers in the third world. For example:
Jacobo Arbenz, the democratically elected president of Guatemala, was overthrown in early 1950 with the help of the CIA when United Fruit Company was in danger of losing its concessions in the region.
Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. CIA Operative Masterminded Operation Ajax; in 1953, the democratically elected Prime Minister in the Democratic country of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, was overthrown again with the help of the CIA when he dared nationalize Iran's oil. He was replaced by the Shah, a puppet Prime Minister. His first act was to denationalize the oil and offer 60% of its production for sale to American firms.
Noam Chomsky, PH.D. ProfessorEmeritus Linguistics, MIT and author, said:
"The US will support democracy only and only if it accords with strategic and economic objectives"
Bill Blum, American Author, and Historian said:
"the US have been overthrowing government all over the world for quite a few years specially in Latin America"President Salvador was overthrown and assassinated in 1973 by the CIA for supporting the nationalization of Chile's copper mines. America has, in doing this supported ruthless leaders at the expense of the people's freedom and liberty to protect their own interests, like in Nicaragua, Grenada, and Panama.
In their address in 1983, President Regan said:
".. that the United States along with our friends seriously oppose use of force by one neighbor against another in Central America the US stands firmly on the side of peace."Yet all through the 1980's President Regan's cabinet supported well-known ruthless dictators such as Pol Pot of Cambodia, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, and Osama Ben Laden, just to name of few.
Until Desert Storm and Desert Shield, the United States had not been in declared war after WWII, yet its military forces were engaged somewhere around the world at one time or another. Euphemisms such as armed response, peacekeeping, police action, and military policing were used. The United States officially has 737 military bases worldwide. This number doesn't include the 14 permanent bases in Iraq, one Kosovo and Bosnia, in Afghanistan, and the covert ones such as British military bases, including the naval base on the isles of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
During the Iraq war, over 100,000 civilians, contractors, and 20,000 private security forces profited from the war in Iraq, just to name a few. We have spent 22 billion dollars on the "Reconstruction Relieve Funds," 63% went to U.S. Multinational Companies, and the rest went to Iraqi Companies purchased from U.S. Companies; 2.3 billion went to only one company, Bektell, a subsidiary of Halliburton. These companies are known as War Corporatism; they are now accountable for their actions as the military would.
During the war between Iran and Iraq, we funded Iraq and encouraged Saddam Husein to invade Iran. We were involved in Pakistan and Afghanistan, giving life to the Taliban. We supported UNITA's "popular front of Angola," which fought the legitimately elected government because we perceived it to be Marxist, the same in Namibia. The collateral damages on the civilian population caught in this Cold War proxy war were never considered.
Let's look at Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to judge US foreign policy. Osama Bin Laden is a direct product of our government's proxy war with the Soviet Union. Then again, our government's sanction against Iraq was the fallout of the U.S. foreign policy once Saddam stopped being the United States puppet President. And decided to invade Saudi Arabia. As long as Iraq was under sanction, Saudis were the primary oil suppliers, and the barrel price went sky high. The collateral damages on the infrastructure and the economic restrictions on the civilian population were extreme; half a million children died.
The main interest behind Desert Shield was to protect the oil. If oil was to be paid in euros rather than dollars, like Iraq and Iran wanted, the U.S. government would collapse and be bankrupt in weeks.
Valarie Plame Wilson, CEO of the CIA joint Task Force Iraq, said:
" The information was cherry-picked from facts and intelligence to convince and justify the war to Saddam.
Words like extraordinary rendition were used to soften the reality of our government's unconstitutional and human rights violations.
"False Flag" is a strategy for blaming an attack on a third party. 9/11 is suspected to be such a False Flag to justify the invasion of Iraq.
It used to be that countries were considered superpowers; now, the real superpowers are Transnational Corporations. The one that controls the market controls the world.
In 2006 a group of neoconservatives in government would underline what they would like America's role in the future to dominate the rest of the world economically, militarily, and culturally.
The "Project for American Century Rebuilding America's Defenses" book. (click on the link for the complete report) was drawn as a blueprint for the new world order, which underlines "...some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor."
The 9/11 disaster put such fear in America that we gave the government liberties we would otherwise never have given them. We allowed our government to take up action that we would never have authorized; the preemptive strike against Iraq and the retaliatory strike against Afghanistan. ( Osama Bin Laden died on December 18, 2001, in the battle of Tora Bora.)
The majority of Americans accepted what mainstream media reported, not knowing that the information provided was directly supplied by government officials. Anything of the contrary was labeled unpatriotic and un-supportive of our troops. Now we know it was all lies.
DH Griffin Wrecking Company was contracted for all demolition in operation for the world trade sight following the 9/11 disaster; they refused all interviews to answer questions on the cleanup, such as why steel was removed before any forensic testing was made? Or if any detonation was found in the wreckage.
30% of the population believes that Bush's administration was responsible for the 9/11 disaster; how then can we explain that we suspect our government to be a cold-blooded mass murderer and accept it because we think we can not do anything about it.
There is a deep belief in the nobility of the State. We are brain-washed to believe that we as Americans are so good we cannot do wrong; there is even a name for it "American Exceptionalism" and "Disneyfication" because no matter how bad America's foreign and domestic policies are, no matter what the facts are. Even if we do more damage than good, Americans believe the intent was good and honorable. Today with the internet and new technology, the government can no longer manage the flow of information. People can do the right thing when accurate and unaltered information is available to the public. During the Vietnam War, the news and pictures were critical in raising outrage and leading to mass anti-war demonstrations.
Fascism is a totalitarian political ideology that considers individual and other societies' needs to be subordinate to the condition of the State. Without checks and balances to the powers given to the federal government, we could see the abolition of American civil liberties.
The United States has implemented a system of dominance of inequality and violence against any country that stands up to it. We could be repeating the history of the Roman Republic, whose military powers became too big to control. The Roman Republic became a military dictatorship.
Since 9/11, we have seen increased restrictions on our civil liberties, and our envied democracy is increasingly looking like a Police State. Isn't it contradictory to claim that a country has a democratic domestic policy and its foreign policy is but imperialistic?
The Patriot act is a 350-page proposition presented to the house floor only days after the 9/11 tragedy occurred; there is no way such a large piece of legislation was put together in such a short time. More copies had been printed, but the house members were rushed to vote on it without the opportunity to read and understand its content. Without serious debate on the floor, only fear that their inaction would be responsible for another 9/11, the act was voted to pass. We know that "The Patriot Act" violates several of our constitutions, such as the 1st and 4th Amendments.
The bill of rights and the constitution are in danger of disintegration. Our government is engaged in radical imperialism in our name. This benefits only a few people, while most lose everything our forefathers have died for.
Why is it that Bush and Cheney weren't impeached? Why are our soldiers dying if all the information is proven to be lies? Why aren't we asking for all the private contractors who profited illegally from the war in Iraq to be accountable for their actions? Why aren't we outraged? Are we all lobotomized by "reality, gossip, T.V., and media"?
We, the people have the real power; our actions changed the course of history. Our inaction has allowed genocide, racism, abuse of power, dictatorship, and perpetual fear that only encourages more silence. Education is critical; your congressman's right to the president is to understand our Rights and the Constitution. There is a Gandhi and a Martin Luther King in all of us.
"There is risk in taking action but there is a greater risk not to."
Harry S. Truman.
"If you have to give up your liberty for greater security,
you do not deserve your liberty or your security."
Benjamin Franklin.
Do you want to order or be ordered. Do you want freedom.
America is owned by China.The Great Eagle is bankrupt.Our jobs are lost to poorer countries.
People are suffering all over the world and its getting messier every year.Islamic fanatics want world control. If America fails to control them, China won't.
You pay a price for everything.
I feel north Americans are naive to the worlds problems. They believe if we're nice people will love us.
It doesn't work that way.The nicer you are the more advantage will be taken and you will be laughed at for being such fools.
No one understands that the world is enslaved. It doesn't matter where you live.
Looking at it all, I say to myself, its so much easier,simpler to live by the ten commandments than by the freedoms which enslave us all. At least it is there in black and white for all to understand in 10 sentences and we can all be on the same page,
Wishfull thinking lol
:) Thanks for visiting.
The first automated election here in my country, the Philippines, if allegations would be proven, was again loaded with election fraud- the very first reason why automation was conceived and administered to take the place of the fraud-riddled manually operated elections. What else is new? Please tell me.