Christopher Columbus was a man of his time; like all settlers, he was looking to make money, and slavery was one way...
In 1485 the inquisition was at its pinnacle; Spain was ruled by the Catholic King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Columbus was already a middle age man when he approached Spain's queen and king. He dreamed of a fantastic voyage over the sea and bringing back gold, spices, and slaves like Marco Polo and others have done over land and, like them, received great wealth, honor, and titles in return.
Quick Facts
- Christopher Columbus was a brilliant navigator.
- Christopher Columbus never set foot on mainland North America. The closest he got was one of the present-day Bahamas islands.
- Columbus did not have any women on his first two voyages. In 1498, Columbus recruited one woman for every ten men on his third voyage.
- Neither Columbus nor the Vikings discovered the "New World," as people settled it centuries before.
- Christopher Columbus’ name is not Christopher Columbus. It is Chrisoffa Colombo. Christopher Columbus is the English translation of sorts.
- The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria were not the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The Pinta was, but the Nina was a nickname for Santa Clara, and the Santa Maria was known as the Gallega.
- While Columbus is considered a hero in the U.S., Spain, and Italy, he was not well-known during his life.
- Christopher Columbus never actually set foot on U.S. soil. He landed on an island in the Bahamas.
- Columbus began sailing at the age of 14.
- It was not Columbus’ idea to sail across the ocean. It was his brother Bartholomew’s idea.
- Columbus had 23 people testify against him, charging him with atrocities and cruelty while governor of the Hispaniola colony.
- Columbus was an opium addict, the same drug used in producing modern-day heroin.
- Genetic evidence shows that Columbus and his men brought the sexually transmitted disease Syphilis to Europe.
- No one knows what Columbus really looked like. Paintings depicting Columbus are not based on his actual looks.
Then let me ask why a man who massacred millions of men, women, children, and old and young Indians for greed is today revered as a hero?. So please learn the truth and reconsider Columbus day.